S-Connect Train the Trainer Weekend Programs at Kanha

Bulletin No: 2019.29 - Thursday, 23 May 2019

Dear sisters and brothers,

For the academic year 2019 – 2020, more than 150 schools across the country have agreed to take up the Heartfulness Education programs in their entirety. This includes both training for teachers and our curricula for students.

Heartfulness Education Programs

Academic year 2019-2020: 150 schools

Academic year 2019-2020: 150 schools

It is incumbent upon us to provide consistent and healthy support to these schools in order to ensure these programs are a success. Our volunteer Training Units (TU) have already been formed to support these schools. To fully equip and enable the volunteers in these TUs, we are offering a refresher weekend training program specifically focused on the HEART training program for teachers and The Heartfulness Way curriculum for students.

We have scheduled 2 weekend programs, one in June and the other in July, at Kanha so that the TUs can attend either one as per their convenience. Please note this program will address multilingual needs.

This program is specifically for those volunteers who will be supporting these 150 plus schools for the entire academic year.

June 15 & 16
Kanha Shantivanam, Hyderabad
Register Now

July 13 & 14
Kanha Shantivanam, Hyderabad
Register Now

Please register at the earliest to help with logistical needs at Kanha. If you have any questions please send an email to sconnect@heartfulness.org

Looking forward to being with you all,
Heartfulness Education Team