World Environment Day - 5 June 2019

Bulletin No: 2019.32 - Tuesday, 4 June 2019


Dear sisters and brothers,

Heartfulness will one day be known around the world for its hearticulture, and that includes caring for our environment. In this spirit, here are some simple guidelines that are to be initiated in all ashrams and centres on World Environment Day:

  1. Trees must be planted along all the boundaries of our ashrams and centres.
  2. Once the threshold is reached, we cannot keep planting trees, so what can we all do after that? All of us can keep the environment clean by collecting any garbage and taking it to the proper place.
  3. Also, when you visit your ashram or centre, carry at least 1 litre of water with you - tap water is good enough - to water the trees and plants. If 50 people water 50 trees, that will make a lot of difference.

At Kanha Shanti Vanam, this may very well be lifesaving for the plants. We ask everyone to bring water from home (not store-bought plastic bottles) to water the trees and plants. If you are coming in a car, please consider bringing more than 1 litre. If you are coming by flight, you can bring an empty bottle and fill it once you land at Hyderabad airport.

Together we will make a difference,