Message on 30 April, 2006

by Chariji, April 30, 2006, Satkhol, India.

                              MESSAGE – 30th April 2006

Today is the most auspicious day of the advent of the soul of our Revered Master, Babuji Maharaj, into this world. We celebrate His auspicious advent year after year with a joyful heart filled with love and adoration for Him who came to redeem human beings everywhere. Let us rejoice that we are all assembled today for this very purpose, and remember that in remembering Him, we are renewing our spiritual link with His Divine Heart, so that the two may be linked together for all eternity.

In remembering Him we must remember what He taught us all his life, and
reinforce our practice given to us by Him, in this sacred Mission that He established for the sole purpose of offering a safe and secure environment for us to practice our Sadhana in. It is our duty to maintain the spiritual atmosphere within these ashrams, so that future generations may find the same facilities that he has offered to us. Personal physical cleanliness comes first. Maintaining the environment is the second responsibility given to us. Maintaining the spiritual atmosphere as he has created for us is the third, but most important of all. This can be achieved only by using these premises for meditation, and meditation alone. There must be no polluting talk of worldly matters here. There must be mutual love and brotherhood, which create lightness in the atmosphere, and strengthen the harmony among the bhyasis.
Friendship between humans separates, whereas a brotherhood unites all. What He has created must be maintained, and improved upon if humanly possible.

Today on this holy and auspicious day, let us determine to realise our spiritual
goal as soon as we can, for even the longest human life may not be enough for this purpose, and we have no time to waste. Our dedicated and regular effort, supported by His help, which is always with sincere aspirants, can surely make this possible. Emotion has no place in our Sadhana. Emotions are often used to cover up the lack of true inner feeling. Craving and longing emanate from the heart. Selfishness and desire are very base, and emanate from the mind.

My Master has said that Sahaj Marg is the path of a true warrior, and put this in one of his oft quoted statements that, “We want lions and not sheep. One lion is worth a hundred sheep!” Bravery, immunity to suffering, and the ability to walk alone are the characteristics necessary. Lions have no friends, but a true lion has his pride – a family filled with brotherhood, if it can be put in that way, as well as his pride in the conventional sense. A committed abhyasi – committed to himself and none other – must not be diverted from the path by friendship, nor disappointments, or even by supposed delay in spiritual progress. My Master has said that only the Master is the true friend, in the real meaning of the word – namely, one who will give his life if and when necessary. On this auspicious occasion I give you this message of love.

Know the Master is your only friend. Follow him with faith and love, and the goal shall be there before we even realise that we are there. May He bless us all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 P. Rajagopalachari
Satkhol, 30 April 2006