Talks in the Year 2003
- Spirituality — the new culture of Harmony and Brotherhood (December 25, 2003, Kolkata, India)
- Message on Diwali Day (October 25, 2003, Chennai, India)
- Address to abhyasis in Kolkata (October 23, 2003, Kolkata, India)
- Address to abhyasis at inauguration of Perth ashram (October 8, 2003, Perth, Australia)
- Everyone Deserves to Become (August 31, 2003, Westport, CT, USA)
- Take the Master's Heart (August 29, 2003, East Durham, USA)
- God is Everything (August 23, 2003, Atlanta, USA)
- Faith and Wisdom (August 22, 2003, Atlanta, USA)
- I do only My Work (August 10, 2003, San Jose, USA)
- Practise and Stop Preaching (August 7, 2003, San Jose, USA)
- The Warmth of Love Integrates Humanity (August 1, 2003, Chicago USA)
- Sahaj Marg: the sure fire way of gaining the Spiritual Goal (July 29, 2003, Dayton, USA)
- Mastering Yourself - A talk given to new abhyasis (July 19, 2003, Lassy, France)
- Youth - A Time for Aspiration (July 18, 2003, Lassy, France)
- A Taste of Eternity (July 17, 2003, Lassy, France)
- Guru Poornima (July 13, 2003, Switzerland)
- Working Together (July 13, 2003, Switzerland)
- Freedom (July 13, 2003, Switzerland)
- The need for Unification of Humanity (July 10, 2003, Paris)
- All Humanity Unified by Love (July 9, 2003, Paris)
- Seminar of Zonal and Center Administrators (January 12, 2003, Chennai, India)
- New Year Message (January 1, 2003, Chennai, India)