Message from Chariji on his Travel Plans

Chennai, Friday 23 December 2011

Dear sisters and brothers

I was planning on a long trip of Uttar Pradesh, including visits to Satkhol and Shahjahanpur, the whole trip to last approximately one month. Just as I finalised my plans this morning, I received a message from my Beloved Master dated the 22nd December 2011, which is reproduced below for you to read. It makes it clear that my travel days are over in obedience to my Beloved Master's instructions. All those who were expecting to travel with me to Satkhol, Shahjahanpur and other places may kindly note that in future all those wishing to meet me are requested to plan their visits to Chennai only. I pray for you all. Love.

With Love and Master's Blessings

Click to view message from Babuji Maharaj