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Message given on 24th July 2009

by Chariji, July 24, 2009, Tiruppur, India.


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have received a message from my revered Master, Babuji Maharaj, and I have to share it with all of you because it is important for every abhyasi to listen carefully to what he has conveyed to us, and to follow the advice that is given here. This is what Babuji Maharaj has said.

“Lord Krishna blesses our way for what it is, and for what it will become, within the framework of an expansion of consciousness, the principles for which is set in motion. Our Mission is making progress to that effect. Our Beloved son, your Master, is acting fully towards this prospect. Time is pressing; don’t look back anymore, except for memories of admiration and gratitude towards a perfect Being equipped with all that which constitutes the divine greatness manifested here below, and who had illuminated the world at a time of obscurantism — as far as this great figure of our history is concerned.” (Of course, he is referring to himself and to Lalaji Maharaj).

“Your objective must be: advance, serve, and contribute to the greatness of our Mission in all its forms here and now, and open doors, those of the Spirit, in all its manifestation. That is the objective of the present. Man looks back; that is in his nature, but he must forge ahead, especially in this pivotal period when everything can change course from one moment to the next. Time is pressing. ‘The inconceivable’ is in the offing; you should focus your efforts accordingly. >

Be creative and vigilant. Draw your inspiration from the past to better build a future, more in adequacy with the objectives of the higher powers. All the great Beings turn their attention to man’s elevation — a very vast subject — for an objective excluding any error, which would be fatal for him.

Explore what we offer to you with more attention. Your minds caught up in the upheaval of ‘modernism’, don’t see the main thing anymore. Deepen our teachings, including this celestial manna represented by these messages. You don’t realize how important they are. They have nothing sensational, on the face of it, but they radiate energy and a truth, which few hearts really grasp. You should interiorize yourselves and advance on the way of love; there lies the main thing and the strength of the future world, cleaned up and restructured for its safeguarding.

Divest yourselves of useless things and get to the main thing; don’t waste your time with that which is not worth it. Be vigilant, time flies and cannot be made up. Serve your Master as best you can and love him above all; there lies your greatest and most beautiful challenge. Our special blessings to you all in this period of the birthday of my beloved son,” signed Babuji Maharaj.