Vrads Sande Retreat Centre, Denmark, Europe

The European Sahaj Marg Retreat Centre at Vrads Sande Ashram opened its doors in June 2011, and has been welcomed wholeheartedly as a golden opportunity to make fuller use of this beautiful place. Its divine atmosphere and unique location in nature offer ideal conditions for abhyasis who want to dive deeper into spiritual introspection.

The Retreat Centre is an expression of Master’s wish to provide places throughout the world where, for a brief period, abhyasis can remove themselves from their routine worldly lives and immerse themselves in concentrated spiritual reflection in a spiritually charged atmosphere.

Situated within the Ashram, the Retreat Centre has its own separate space and function. There are seven apartments in the quietest corner of the Ashram, which have been dedicated for this purpose.

If you would like to visit Vrads Sande Ashram, please have a look at the following link:

Vrads Sande Ashram