Vrads Sande Ashram - Request to Visit

The Ashram is open to all who are introduced into the Sahaj Marg system of meditation, and to those who would like to be introduced during their stay in the Ashram. The length of stay is limited to 14 days but can be extended with special permission. The stay at the Ashram is not permitted while you are being treated for any mental health problem. Please ensure that you are covered by a European health or travel insurance, as medical treatment in Denmark can be expensive.

For registration and approval please contact reception by email at: vrads@srcm.org

Preparing to visit Vrads Sande Ashram Consider why you are coming to the ashram. Remember that it is a place where your spiritual progress is supported by an environment that has been especially prepared to benefit your spiritual growth.

If you come with children, help them to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the place. Explain the purpose of your stay at the Ashram. A natural sensitivity and awareness allows children to understand, and they will also benefit from the ashram atmosphere.  

Please comply with the established guidelines Ashram Guidelines

We wish you a wonderful and fruitful stay at Vrads Sande Ashram.