Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Directions

Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Directions

"This is a beautiful spot, but this is not a picnic spot—not our institution. It is essentially a very serious-oriented institution where people must come with all humility, throwing away the cares of this world, leaving behind the responsibilities of the world. I must emphasize the second aspect—leaving behind responsibilities too!"
Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Pune, 5 May 2005


Vrads Sande is located 20 kilometres Southwest of Silkeborg, in the heart of Jutland, the “continental” part of Denmark.

The closest airport is Billund (approx. 45 km) with daily flights from most European cities.

The nearest railway and long distance bus station is Silkeborg (25 km).

Other railway and long distance bus stations are Skanderborg (40 km), Vejle (55 km) and Horsens (40 km).

The nearest local bus stations are Bryrup and Hjøllund approx. 8 km from the Retreat Centre.

We can arrange pick up at any of these destinations for a fee to cover the drivers’ costs.

For further information please have a look at
Directions to Vrads Sande Retreat Centre

Or email us at: retreat.vrads@sahajmarg.org

Vrads Sande Retreat Centre
Vrads Sande Vej 4
8654 Vrads, Denmark
Tel: +45 - 75 75 71 06