Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Application

Vrads Sande Retreat Centre - Application

"So this retreat centre...at least you go there, three days, twenty days, thirty days; learn to be alone; learn to sit and meditate; learn not to brood about what you are missing out there, but what you are having right here in this solitary state when, for the first time, if you are fortunate, you will meet your Self"...
Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Tiruppur, 22 July 2009


The retreat period may extend from three days (minimum stay) to thirty days (maximum stay). Sisters and brothers go on retreat in alternating months.

Admission to retreats is open to all members of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission who have practiced the Sahaj Marg method regularly for at least two years.

Applications are submitted to the applicant's regional coordinator and prefect for approval.

Online Participation Request

Women: February, April 1 - 20, June, Aug 15 - 31, October, December 1 - 28

Men: January 2 - 31, March, May 6 - 31, July 1- 19, September, November

If you would like to visit on other dates than those specified, please contact the Retreat Centre at: retreat.vrads@sahajmarg.org